Monday, August 03, 2009

Don't ask "what will people think "ask what's impossible and let's try that

Remedies for distraught parents with bullied children, according to even our best psychologists last week, were given the name "impossible". The only answer which actually works is, I think ,the impossible one ; The one about "loving your enemies" . Jesus's words .
You don’t believe me? Remember Martin Luther King? It was he who reminded a whole generation of angry Americans,who were provoked to anger on a daily basis, that impossible love actually works. But to actually make it happen though, most of us need something a lot stronger than our own best intellectual and wilful efforts ; especially the bit about selling those amazingly impossible options to our children.
Have you tried it?

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Thank God He's not there

The challenge for "Thank God He's not there" to remain entertaining will revolve around the dangers of soft sell.
Because guests on TGYH are clearly not warned ( who cares some will say - surely we need a break HEH!!!1 from the fearmongers ) about the dangers of promoting lifestyle choice under the guise of bottom line gags, the characterization is lost to cheap lifestyle gags and we wonder if Alan Brough and many other are too seriuos about promoting something commonly sold cheap ( relationships and respect )

Such poor aim and false characterization maybe currently popular but it won't last ( esp by those who use it) because its like the bloke you meet at a party who goes down to that level all the time - he's depserate to gain an audience and prove his funnyness.
I Don't mind an "in character sexual proccupation" , but the lack of head room in the innuedo departmnet was rather obvious amongst the leaders last night. Aim higher and we'll all be happier.
Meyrich Watts deserved the prize - he stayed in character .