Thursday, May 13, 2004

What sweet relief with dianne on ABC local radio today Jon feine

For a few brief moments we didn't have to hear the reactionary lefties droning on in a careless imprecise manner about how terrible western civilisation is and all the mistakes we have made- they didn't say that - they couldn't get away with that its just the mindset? Make up you minds before you are denied the good you have had and now take for granted? - before the west becomes east and a new inertia envelops .

Thursday, May 06, 2004

You news commentators often miss the key point . Take Umpires frustrations made worse by YOU and your noise!.
I don't mind if the players disgagree with my decision as long as they don't say so while i'm trying to listen to the important noises. talk about daddydaycare.blogspot. stuff